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- Feldenkrais Guild
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Feldenkrais Guild of North America® and Guild Membership
- Provides educational services to the
public about The Feldenkrais® Method
- Ensures standards of practice and
adherence to the code of professional conduct for practitioners/teachers
- Accredits training programs and certifies
practitioners, trainers, and assistant trainers
- Protects and preserves the Feldenkrais®
work though its service marks
- Publishes a directory and a journal
annually and a quarterly newsletter
- Promotes the profession while maintaining
the standards and meaning of The Feldenkrais® Method
Trainees may join the Guild as student members for CAN$50 per year. Upon graduation from an accredited
training, new practitioners/teachers are eligible to join the
Guild as practitioner members for reduced rates. Guild membership
is not required for certification as a Feldenkrais® practitioner/teacher. However, in order to maintain their certification
and the right to use the service marks and logo, graduates will
need to meet the Guild's ongoing certification requirements and
either maintain their membership in the Guild or pay a certification
fee to the Guild.
Click here
to find out more about the Guild.