Classes, Workshops, Private Sessions
About Olena
Continuing Education
Fluid, connected and strain-free movement is what we see in the gracefulness
of a small child. The child's movement has an organic elegance which is not
culturally generated nor externally "learned." This grace, which we often
envy, emerges out of the healthy functioning of the child's nervous system: the
brain guiding and organizing the muscles, bones, joints and desires of the whole
biological being into purposeful and graceful action.
The Feldenkrais Method provides the means to restore this birthright . . . to
move with freedom, ease, balance, good posture and power organized by the
brain's movement intelligence. The Method is excellent for improving any human
endeavor which requires movement and its corollary -- the ability to strategize
movement solutions "on the spot" in life.
How does the Method work? Not through strengthening, stretching or
correcting ourselves, but by learning how to access and use our brain's enormous
capacity to reorganize stiffened, fused and even hurting parts into a coherent,
fluid, moving whole. At any age and in any physical condition we can access and
develop this capacity and thus improve movement and body intelligence
The Feldenkrais Method is used world-wide to enhance performance in the arts
and sports, to rehabilitate injuries and accidents, to enhance functioning for
adults and children with neurological conditions, to ease the pain and
stiffness of repetitive strain conditions, fibromyalgia, back problems, sitting and
working at a computer, etc.
Want to know more? Click here for a list of classes, workshops and how to register for a private session.
This Season's News (Summer 2006)
Exclusively Awareness Through Movement -
Waking up the self organizing function
In AY#478 (Chin movements on a chair) Moshe gives the following advice, "Do
it more easily at the points where it is difficult. Do not try to push more,
but at the points where it is difficult, do it more easily, a gentler movement,
more slowly. Then, slowly it will organize itself."
He does not say, " Do it more easily, a gentler movement, more slowly. Then,
slowly you will realize how to organize it."
In the contrast between these two statements lies the difference between self
organization and self correction: the difference between doing ATM to develop
intelligence, or doing ATM to simply feel better for a while or to move
In this advanced training we will examine how taking a particular attitude in
Awareness Through Movement wakes up and develops our self organizing
function. We will examine different uses of conscious attention. How are
self awareness and action used differently in self correction and differently
in self organization?
This is particularly complex for us practitioners. We fall into the double
trap of "knowing our patterns" and of thinking we know how "it should be." That
self knowledge often leads us to self correct, rather than to scrupulously
resist self correction, and engage in the process of self organization. The
place we do this the most, is in" self organization" while giving FI. What we
call self organization in FI, is usually just self correction. That's why we
continue to suffer from bad self organization. Sadly, even good correction can
lead to bad self organization!
Why? Because, good self organization does not mean proper movement mechanics.
Good self organization means using every single moment as a moment in which
our system is not so much settling into a solution, as continually seeking
improvement. It means staying alive in a process, not finding a result.
In AY# 96 (Sinking the spine between the shoulder blades) Moshe says, "Where
intelligence is involved, there isn't any limit to the extent to which it can
improve. Then, literally, throughout life you will never find a 'best way,'
that cannot be improved on. Then when you stop improving, it is a sign that it
has become a routine. You are acting mechanically and that is why it is not
improving; otherwise there is no limit to improvement."
The often asked question in our work is of course, how do I keep the change?
If self organization has to do with constant intelligent adjustments to ever
changing conditions, then there is nothing to keep. There is a process to
become more adept at. A process which must constantly navigate within the
known, while being open to discover and incorporate the as yet unknown.
These full five days will be devoted to ATM and the ongoing search of and for
intelligence. There will be lots to explore and re discover on that subject.
I have been wanting to teach an ATM only advanced training for quite a few
years, and am thrilled to finally do so.
We will "analyze" ATMs from many perspectives: the musculo-skeletal, the
functional, the developmental relationship between the ATMs we do, the learning
strategies, the development of the self organizing function and the surprise of
whatever questions emerge from the group. You will have a chance to follow
whatever personal themes you wish to explore at the moment, so that the
advanced can serve you in your own growth.
You will luxuriate in not having to learn any FI, but the principles we will
explore through ATM will inevitably improve your abilities in FI. It will be
splendid to really focus on understanding ATMs. If the occasional reference
to FI appears, we may give ourselves the permission to follow it.
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Feldenkrais®, Awareness Through Movement® and Functional Integration® are registered service marks of
The Feldenkrais Guild of North America®